美味しいお米の通販「六丁目の米蔵」 |産地直送こだわりのお米|贈答用もあります
rokuchomenokomegura.net「田んぼから食卓へ」というスローガンを掲げ、中間流通を省き、安心・安全で本当に美味しいお米を田んぼから直接皆さまの食卓へお届けしております。 誰がどこで育て、保管し、発送されたか全て公開可能な完全トレーサビリティなお米です。
美味しいお米の通販「六丁目の米蔵」 |産地直送こだわりのお米|贈答用もあります is an e-commerce website that was registered on March 18, 2022. The store is hosted on the Shopify platform under the account name comegura.myshopify.com. The publicly registered domain name for this store is rokuchomenokomegura.net.
The store collects payments in the JPY currency, and uses the Japanese language setting for its website.
The store owner can be contacted via email at info@rokuchomenokomegura.com
Note: This website, Merchant Genius, is not affiliated with 美味しいお米の通販「六丁目の米蔵」 |産地直送こだわりのお米|贈答用もあります. Please contact the store owner directly for any issues or questions pertaining to the online store.
The store collects payments in the JPY currency, and uses the Japanese language setting for its website.
The store owner can be contacted via email at info@rokuchomenokomegura.com
Note: This website, Merchant Genius, is not affiliated with 美味しいお米の通販「六丁目の米蔵」 |産地直送こだわりのお米|贈答用もあります. Please contact the store owner directly for any issues or questions pertaining to the online store.
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